A Personal List of Selected Recordings

Following is a usefull but very incomplete list of recordings that I suggest if one has an interest in Old-Time Music. The list is mostly limited to recordings available on CD. I've tried to make links from the list to the artist or label directly. Some are not on the internet. If there are any questions about getting in touch with an artist or label contact me at: donpedi@hotmail.com
For the most part I've only listed a few items from each label, relative to the size of their catalog. Also, the recordings listed are limited to those I know and are in keeping with my personal slant on Old-Time Music.
Five Miles Of Ellum Wood
Old Time Kentucky Fiddle Solos
BG1 Bruce Greene
Rare Old Chestnuts
Bruce Greene & Don Pedi
Southern Appalachian Favorites for Fiddle & Dulcimer
Hazeldog 603
Come Near My Love
Bruce Greene & Kore Loy McWhirter
Mostly Quiet and Dark Songs
Hazeldog 507
Roan Mountain Hilltoppers
Down Home
CD featuring all the tunes on the originall Cloudland LP, plus nine additional tracks. This is Real Old-Time Music!
Roan Mountain Hilltoppers
Sheila Kay Adams
My Dearest Dear
Seventh generation Ballad Singer from Madison County, NC
Granny Del Records 1220
Mary Jane Queen
Songs I Like
Traditional ballads and mountain songs by Mary Jane Queen.
Some songs feature Henry Queen playing accompaniment on guitar or banjo.
Queen Family 2002
Mary Jane Queen & Family
The Queen Family Of Western North Carolina
Traditional ballads, banjo and great homegrown mountain music with a cross of Old-Time and early bluegrass.
Queen Family 2001
Don Pedi
Bound To Have A Little Fun
24 Fiddle Tunes on Solo Dulcimer
Walnut Mountain 1004
Short Time Here
Traditional songs and tunes
Walnut Mountain 904
Walking Lightly Through This World
Beverly Smith And Carl Jones
Dittyville 001
Red Clay Country
Paul Brown
The Rest Is Yet To Come
Double Decker String Band
Martin & Johnson
The Road to Agate Hill
Alice Gerrard, Gail Gillespie & Sharon Sandomirsky
Pretty Crowin' Chicken
The Rhythm Rats
Over The Mountain
Kenny Jackson
Fresh Coat
Bob Herring & Rafe Stefanini
Bluegrass Meadows
Rafe Stefanini
Lone Prairie
Matt Brown
Travis & Trevor Stuart
Old 97 006
Kirk Sutphin & Friends
Grandpa's Favorites
Old 97 002
Adam Tanner and the Dirty Rag Mobs
Rags & String Band Blues
Old 97 003
The Carolina Jug Stompers
Rooster on a Limb
Old 97 005
Eddon Hammons
Eddon Hammons Collection
The legendary West Virginia fiddler from 1947 feild recordings.
WVU Press SA-1
WVU Press SA-2 West Virginia University Press
Appleseed Recordings
The Warner Collection
Nothing Seems Better To Me
Proffitt, Presnell, Hicks' & more
Appleseed 1036
Chubby Dragon
Brandywine Mountain Music Convention
A twenty year legacy of Old-Time Music
Chubby Dragon 10006
Ginny Hawker and Kay Justice
Come All You Tender Hearted
June Appal 0069
Sycamore Tea
Dutch Cove String Band
Quay Smathers and family
Cassette only
June Appal 0023
I.D. Stamper
Old-Time mountain dulcimer, banjo, french harp, etc.
LP or Cassette only
June Appal 0010
Yazoo is mostly a Blues Label. They also offers some great compilation CDs featuring a mix of Old-Time Music and Country Blues.
The Music Of Kentucky Vol 1
Early American Rural Classics 1927-37
Yazoo 2013
The Music Of Kentucky Vol 2
Early American Rural Classics 1927-37
Yazoo 2014
Copper Creek Records
Copper Creek is mostly a bluegrass label. They do offer some Old-Time Music.
Tom, Brad & Alice
Been There Still
Copper Creek 0164
Tom, Brad & Alice
Holly Ding
Copper Creek 0179
Marimac Recordings
Marimac also has some great Old-Time Music only on cassette. marimac@netnitco.net
Double Decker
Chasing Rainbows
Marimac 9065
Rhythm Rats
I Believe I'll Go Back Home
Marimac 9069
County Records has many great vintage Old-Time Music recordings.
These include collections of various artists, like Tommy Jarrell and Charlie Poole.
Also great compilations of vintage string band recordings from Mississippi, Viginia,
Tennessee, Texas etc. Following are some of my favorites of late:
Brad Leftwich with Linda Higginbotham
Say Old Man
County 2714
Rafe Stefanini
Hell And Scissors
County 2728
Rafe Stefanini
Glory On The Big String
County 2730
The music of Clarence "Tom" Ashley 1929-33
Greenback Dollar
County 3520
Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham
Tommy and Fred
Great fiddle banjo duets
County 2702
The Legacy of Tommy Jarrell Vol 1
Sail Away Ladies
County 2724
The Legacy of Tommy Jarrell Vol 2
Rainbow Sign
County 2725
The Legacy of Tommy Jarrell Vol 3
Come And Go With Me
County 2726
Camp Creek Boys
Old-Time String Band
County 2719
Kirk Sutphin
Old Roots New Branches
County 2711
The following recordings are on the Rounder label. There are many great CD's not listed here.
High Atmosphere
Ballads and banjo tunes from Virginia and North Carolina, collected by John Cohen in November of 1968.
Rounder 0028
Traditional Fiddle Music Of Kentucky Vol 1
Up The Ohio And Licking Rivers
Rounder 0376
Traditional Fiddle Music Of Kentucky Vol 2
Along The Kentucky River
Rounder 0377
Hobart Smith
Blue Ridge Legacy
Rounder 11661-1799
Joe Thompson
Family Tradition
Joe Thompson is among the last of the traditional African-American fiddlers still active in the south.
Rounder 2161
Black Stringband Music
Nathan Frazier / Frank Patterson recorded 1943
Murph Gribble / John Lusk / Albert York recorded 1946
Rounder 0238
The Hammons Family
The traditions of a West Virginia family and their friends.
From the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture.
Rounder 1504/05
North Carolina Banjo Collection
Wide range of traditional banjo styles from North Carolina.
Rounder 0439/40
Mike Seeger & Paul Brown
Way Down In North Carolina
Rounder 0383
Following are some outstanding Rounder recordings of traditional and/or
traditional combined with more modern approaches to Old-Time Music:
Young Fogies
A good selection of modern day string bands.
Vol 1 Rounder 0319
Vol 2 Rounder 0369
Dirk Powell
If I Go Ten Thousand Miles
Rounder 0384
Dirk Powell
Hand Me Down
Rounder 0444
Bruce Molsky & Big Hoedown
Rounder 0421
Bruce Molsky
Poor Man's Troubles
Rounder 0470
Bruce Molsky
Lost Boy
Rounder 0361
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
Ballads, BanjoTunes, And Sacred Songs Of Wetern North Carolina
Smithsonian Folkways 40082
Roscoe Holcomb
The High Lonesome Sound
Smithsonian Folkways 40104
Dock Boggs
His Folkways Years 1963-1968
Smithsonian Folkways 40108
Mountain Music Of Kentucky
Smithsonian Folkways 40077
Doug and Jack Wallin
Family Songs And Stories From The North Carolina Mountains
Smithsonian Folkways 40013
Mike Seeger
Southern Banjo Sounds
Smithsonian Folkways 40107 |